Who's Rat Queen?

That depends. Rat Queen herself is my personal character and avatar that I use to interact with Twitch and most social networks. She is part rat (sometimes referred to as a Skaven) and very much a night owl on gremlin hours.The person behind Rat Queen is Neena, a Canadian and afro-indigenous digital artist specializing in concept art.


What name should I call you?Rat is more than fine. I prefer it much better over Queen or RQA, though those are acceptable too. Please refrain from calling me Neena. If I don't personally know you I'll be weirded out and possibly ignore you if using my real name.How long have you been streaming?I started streaming in the early days of Twitch back in 2015, when there were no or few vtubers to be heard of. I have since changed my brand name and taken streaming more seriously in 2022.Are your commissions open?My commission availability can be viewed on my Ko-fi page.

Twitch Rules

Rule One
No Bullying
Basically what it says. This community is intended to be welcoming and chill. Do not harass other members in any way. This also means that you understand what being a good sport means. No screaming or yelling if you lose a game. Do not insult other members or be a bully.Rule Two
No minors
This means no one under the age of 18 is allowed to be here. This is set up to protect YOU just as much as to protect us. If you are found out to be a minor, you will be banned.Rule Three
No Racism/ Sexism
This goes hand in hand with rule number one and will result in a ban.Rule Four
No Advertising/ Promoting
Please do not advertise or promote other channels in chat without being given permission from the streamer or the moderators.Rule Five
No Politics
I had thought this went without saying, though it has come to my attention that this now needs to be a rule. Please do not bring up any politically charged subjects within this discord, whether in voice chat or text, or on the RatQueenArts twitch channel. You'll receive a reminder the first time it happens, a warning the second time and a permanent ban the third.

Discord Rules

Rule One
Don't be a Douche.
Basically what it says. This community is intended to be welcoming and chill. Do not harass other members in any way. This also means that you understand what being a good sport means. No screaming or yelling if you lose a game. Do not insult other members or be a bully.Rule Two
No minors
Nothing personal, but as this discord is connected to the RatQueenArts twitch channel, sometimes folks tend to be on demon hours and joke. This means no one under the age of 18 is allowed to be here. This is set up to protect YOU just as much as to protect us. If you are found out to be a minor, you will be banned.Rule Three
No Reposts
Members are allowed to post their artwork, crafts and selfies in this discord, though the one thing we ask is not to repost or steal other's images onto other sites. If you are caught doing this, you will be permanently banned.Rule Four
Please refrain from posting NSFW artwork on this discord. NSFW here is consider any artwork showing penetration, erections or extreme fetishes. Nudity in artwork is okay as it helps artists learn anatomy. Also, no NSFW selfies of any type.Rule Five
No Politics
I had thought this went without saying, though it has come to my attention that this now needs to be a rule. Please do not bring up any politically charged subjects within this discord, whether in voice chat or text, or on the RatQueenArts twitch channel. You'll receive a reminder the first time it happens, a warning the second time and a permanent ban the third.


For Viewers!8ball -> Ask the 8 ball a question.
!followage -> Shows how long you've been following my channel.
!streamerage -> Shows how long the streamer has been on twitch.
!giveaway -> Shows the currently active giveaway.
!quote -> Shows a random quote.
!lastquote -> Shows the last quote added.
!uptime -> Shows how long the current stream has been live.
!lurk -> Lets the streamer know that you are currently away from keyboard or unable to respond.
!unlurk -> Lets the streamer know that you've returned to chat.
!boop @username -> boops the username on the snoot.
!hug @username -> hugs the username in chat.
!tts -> Reads your message on stream to the streamer.
!layers -> Reminds Rat to check her layers while drawing.
!save -> Reminds Rat to save her progress.
For Moderators!so @username -> Shout outs the username and plays a random clip on stream.
!disc -> Gives out the Rat's Nest discord link in chat.
!nuke@username -> Mass deletes the username's message from chat.
!addquote -> Adds a new quote to the list.
!deletequote -> Deletes a quote from the list.
!settitle -> Updates the stream title.
!setgame -> Updates the game category on Twitch.